Extra shelters will be open through 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 13.
If the borrower believes that a lender or servicer has violated the requirements for a single point of contact in section 38-38-103.1 or the prohibition on dual tracking in section 38-38-103.2, the borrower may file a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General, the Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), or both. The filing of a complaint will not stop the foreclosure process.
NOTE: No one may charge a fee to help you collect your money.
Homeowner(s) of record can work directly with the Denver Public Trustee. On August 10, 2016, a new law governing Excess Funds went into effect.
Under the law:
When a house sells at the Denver Public Trustee’s auction, the highest bid may be greater than what is owed. This difference, referred to as "excess funds," may belong to you.
Colorado revised statute (38-38-111) states that excess funds must be distributed in the following order:
Excess funds are held for six months from the sale of the property. If the proceeds are not claimed within six months, the excess funds are transferred to the Great Colorado Payback. The Great Colorado Payback holds unclaimed property until the rightful owner(s) or heirs claim it.
If you are using assistive technology and are unable to access the content of the documents on this page, email the Public Trustee department
Paul D. LópezClerk and Recorder
Office of the Clerk and Recorder
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Closed for city holidays Call: 311 (720-913-1311 outside Denver) Hearing Impaired only (TTY): 720-913-8497 201 W. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80202 foreclosures@denvergov.org Facebook | Twitter