Public Trustee and Foreclosures

The Denver Office of the Clerk and Recorder is responsible for administering the foreclosure process from start to finish. We also execute the release of deeds and trust. 

Public trustee services are available Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our physical address is 201 W. Colfax Ave. Dept. 101 Denver, CO 80202. Due to ongoing construction, we encourage you to contact us to schedule an appointment at or by phone at 720-865-8400. 

Effective July 1, 2024, Release of Deed of Trust fees increased to $30 plus recording costs. Foreclosure fees also increased. 

Learn More About our Fee Increases(PDF, 110KB)

Helpful Foreclosure Information 

The Role of the Denver Public Trustee

The role of the Denver Public Trustee is to record foreclosure documents and to administer the process in a legal and transparent manner. 

The Public Trustee Can
  • Explain the foreclosure process to homeowners
  • Provide a list of outside resources for homeowners
  • Provide foreclosure cure information to homeowners
The Public Trustee Cannot
  • Provide legal advice to homeowners
  • Administer debt mitigation agreements
  • Administer appeals

If you are using assistive technology and are unable to access the content of the documents on this page, contact the Public Trustee department.


Help for Homeowners

A number of resources are available to help homeowners facing foreclosure.

This downloadable flier lists foreclosure counseling resources in the Denver area:

Help is Available Flier(PDF, 155KB)

The City also provides assistance to homeowners facing foreclosure.  For more information about these programs contact:

Department of Housing Stability Foreclosure Help

Office of Financial Empowerment

Neighborhood Equity and Stability

Denver Housing Authority

The Colorado State Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (EMAP)

Please note: The Denver Public Trustee cannot offer assistance or legal advice to homeowners or to lenders. We can explain how the process works.

Colorado Foreclosure Hotline-

Call 1-877-601-HOPE

The Colorado Foreclosure Hotline offers free advice to homeowners to navigate the foreclosure process. Counselors may facilitate between homeowners and the mortgage lenders.

The hotline is the product of a consortium of private-sector and government organizations that have come together to address the foreclosure rate in Colorado and is operated by the nonprofit Brothers Redevelopment.

Notice to owners in foreclosure:  If your property goes to foreclosure auction sale and is purchased for more than the total owed to the lender and to all other lien holders, please contact the Public Trustee after the sale as you may have excess funds due to you.

Video: Get the Facts on Foreclosure

How Can I Save My House?

Absent a renegotiation of the loan between the lender and borrower, the borrower may stop the foreclosure process by "curing" the default. This means the borrower may bring the loan up to date by paying the outstanding loan default.

The lender provides the cure amount, which may include past payment amounts due and owing, late fees, interest, attorney fees, Denver Public Trustee fees, and any other fees and charges associated with processing the foreclosure.

Filing an Intent to Cure

  • Intent to Cure(PDF, 91KB) forms may be obtained on the Forms and Fees page or in person at the Public Trustee office.
  • An Intent to Cure form must be filled out, signed and turned in to the Public Trustee. If it is signed in the presence of Public Trustee personnel, it need not be notarized. Otherwise, it must be notarized before it can be accepted by the Public Trustee.
  • Faxed Intent to Cure forms cannot be accepted.
  • There is no filing fee.

Cure Deadline

Homeowners must file at least 15 days before the current auction date of their property in order to be guaranteed timely receipt of payment figures. For an Intent to Cure filed after that date, the lender’s attorney is not legally obligated to provide cure payment figures.

I've Filed an Intent to Cure. What Happens Next?

1. Once a homeowner has filed an Intent to Cure, the Public Trustee will contact the lender’s attorney to obtain current cure figures.

2. The foreclosing lender's attorney is required to supply cure figures to the Public Trustee within ten business days but no later than seven days prior to the sale at auction.

3. The Public Trustee will then contact the homeowner with the cure figures. The homeowner will be contacted via telephone, mail and email, as listed on the Intent to Cure form submitted.

4. If the Public Trustee does not speak to the homeowner in person and must instead leave a voicemail, the contact will still be considered complete.

5. Once the homeowner has been given the cure payment figures, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to remit the correct payment to the Public Trustee by the deadline provided in order to stop the auction of the property.

All cure payments must be in the form of a wire transfer, certified check, cashier's check or teller's check. Checks are to be made payable to Denver County Public Trustee, and certified or issued by a state-chartered bank, savings and loan association, or credit union licensed to do business in the state of Colorado. (See the Fees and Forms page for wire transfer instructions(PDF, 123KB).)

I Have Cured My Property. What Happens Now?

  • The Public Trustee will place your file on hold (this process stops the foreclosure from advancing).
  • The Public Trustee will immediately notify the foreclosing lender’s attorney of the cure.
  • The lender’s attorney is statutorily required to process a withdrawal of the foreclosure filing.
  • The cure funds will not be released to the foreclosing lender’s attorney until a withdrawal of the file is received by the Public Trustee.
  • Once the withdrawal has been received and recorded, the Public Trustee will create a check to the lender for the cure amount, and the attorney will pick it up and forward it to the lender.
  • This process takes approximately 14 business days.  

In the meantime, the office of the Public Trustee recommends that the borrower contact their lender directly to advise them that the property was cured. The borrower should:

  • Supply the lender with the date cured
  • Supply the lender with the amount of the cure
  • Upon cure, the Public Trustee supplies a receipt and date/time-stamped copy of the cure figures. Advise your lender that you can send them a copy if they would like it as proof of the cure.
  • Ask the lender to supply a new updated mortgage statement. The statement should include the due date, address where payment should be mailed and the amount of the next payment, so routine loan payments can resume on the obligation without delay.

Information for Lenders

Filing a Foreclosure

In order to file a foreclosure with the Denver Public Trustee, you must submit the following documents:

  • Notice of Election and Demand
  • Evidence of Debt
    • The original evidence of debt, or
    • A corporate surety bond in the amount of one and one-half times the face value of the original evidence of debt, or
    • A copy of the evidence of debt along with a certificate of qualified holder
  • Deed of Trust
    • The original deed of trust, or
    • A certified copy of the deed of trust (obtainable at the Denver Clerk and Recorder's Recording counter), or
    • A copy of the recorded deed of trust along with a certificate of qualified holder
  • An initial mailing list
  • A statement of current owner

You may also need to file the following documents, depending on the specific circumstances of the foreclosure file:

  • Affidavit affecting the deed of trust (such as a scrivener’s error affidavit)
  • Statement of Loan Servicer (if there is one)
  • Any partial releases of deed of trust  or other modifications of the deed of trust that may exist
  • Certificate of Qualified Holder, if filing without the original Note or a corporate surety bond, or without the original or a certified copy of the Deed of Trust
  • Legal description of the property

You may also want to file the following documents to aid in the foreclosure setup process:

  • Self-addressed, stamped envelopes for the quick and accurate return of your foreclosure documents
  • Cover letter with instructions to the Public Trustee including contact information for your firm.

Attention law firms: Attorneys who are submitting legal documents may send a "how to" request to One of the Public Trustee staff will respond. Please allow a minimum of 24 hours for a response.

For Lenders: Two Methods of Filing Foreclosures


If you intend to file a new foreclosure via email, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Email new foreclosures to
  • Scan all documents as a TIF or PDF at a resolution of at least 200 DPI.
  • If the legal description of the property is attached to the Notice of Election and Demand as an exhibit, it must be scanned as both a second page to the Notice of Election and Demand and as a stand-alone document.
  • When filing a foreclosure, a deposit of $800 is required. This may be sent via US mail or by ACH. If you do not have an ACH account with us, contact our accounting team by email at

We strongly recommend that if you are filing foreclosures via email, you enable the "read receipt" feature on your email program. Because of the large volume of foreclosures that we process daily, you will not receive manual confirmation of receipt from the Denver Public Trustee.

All foreclosures filed via email will be set up within 10 days of receipt. Please do not send a request multiple times as this will cause the same file to be set up multiple times. If you need additional information, please contact the Public Trustee by email of by phone (call 311, or 720-865-8400 outside of Denver and ask to be transferred). 

Paper Filing

The second option for filing a new foreclosure is with paper documents. This can be done in person, by courier or via postal mail. If you are filing a foreclosure by sending paper documents, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope or shipping label to receive these documents back from our office.

Your documents will be scanned into our database and the originals will be sent back to you. If you do not include a self-addressed, stamped envelope, your documents will still be sent back to you and you will be charged for postage and packaging.

For Lienholders: Redemption

Redemptions take place only after a property has been sold at a foreclosure auction and is primarily a mechanism for junior lien holders. Please bring the appropriate documentation and payment to our offices, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. We are at 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 101.

HOA Redemptions

Homeowner associations redeeming a property must provide:

  • a completed Intent to Redeem Form
  • certified copy of the Declaration of Covenants (required by state statute and may be returned to the association upon request after it has been recorded in the Public Trustee Office)
  • $100 redemption fee - cash or check (certified check not necessary)
  • A signed and notarized statement confirming that the amount claimed as the portion of the lien used to redeem does not include an amount equal to the first 6 months of dues that would have been due immediately prior to the acceleration of the loan

Turn in all of the above to the Public Trustee by the deadline.

All Other Redemptions

Intent to Redeem Forms must be:

  • accompanied by the lien being used to redeem the property
  • filled out and notarized
  • accompanied by a $100 redemption fee - cash or check (certified check not necessary)

Turn in all of the above to the Public Trustee by the deadline.

Redemption Statement

Upon receiving a valid Intent to Redeem from a junior lienor, the Public Trustee will request a signed and notarized Redemption Statement from the holder of the Certificate of Purchase. The Redemption Statement must comply with C.R.S. § 38-38-302 and must be filed with the Public Trustee along with all receipts or backup by the end of business on the 13th business day after the sale. If not timely filed, the Public Trustee will calculate the amount necessary to redeem with interest only. The interest rate used must be “at the default rate specified in the evidence of debt, deed of trust, or other lien being foreclosed or, if not so specified, at the regular rate specified in the evidence of debt, deed of trust, or other lien being foreclosed.” The time period for the per diem interest calculation should be through the 19th business day (the end of the first redemption period).





How can I contact the Denver Public Trustee?

Phone: 311 (720-913-1311 outside Denver) 
Address: 201 West Colfax Avenue, Department 101
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday

Will you notarize my documents?

The Clerk and Recorder's Office does not offer notarization services to the public. Free notary services may be offered by your bank.

What forms of payment do you accept?

  • See instructions for submitting electronic (or "wire") transfers(PDF, 123KB)
  • Visa, MasterCard or Discover is accepted for releases of deeds of trust.
  • Cash or personal checks are accepted for small amounts. These checks should be made out to Manager of Finance.
  • Redemption or cure payments must be paid in cash, electronic transfer or certified funds from a bank. Certified checks should be made out to Denver County Public Trustee.

How much do copies cost?

The photocopy fee for Public Trustee documents is 25 cents per page.

Foreclosure Auctions

When and where are auctions held?

The Denver Public Trustee foreclosure auctions are held online Thursdays at 10 a.m. Register, make deposits and bid here

How do I participate in the foreclosure auction?

Bidders must register and deposit funds here to participate in the Denver Public Trustee auctions. The policies, regulations and deadlines are available on the link.

Why was a foreclosure auction postponed for a particular property?

Not every house will go to auction. Some properties will be continued (postponed) week to week because of bankruptcy, a pending cure or other reason.

Why is the amount bid by the lender more than the amount of the outstanding loan?

The amount of the lender's bid is determined by the lender and its attorney and may include late fees, unpaid interest, attorney fees, and Public Trustee fees. These factors can sometimes cause the amount of the bid to exceed the amount of the initial loan.

Are there any other liens against the property that I want to bid on at the Public Trustee's auction?

The Public Trustee does not research chain of title or whether a given property has liens against it. You may use a title company or search through the public records (not all liens may be found this way).

I just purchased a property at the Public Trustee's Auction. Where do I pick up the keys to the house, and when can I move in?

Please consult a real estate attorney to determine when it is legal to enter a home purchased at auction through the Public Trustee. The Public Trustee does not have the keys to any properties.

How do I file an Intent to Redeem?

Redemptions take place only after a property has been sold at a foreclosure auction and is primarily a mechanism for junior lien holders. Please bring the appropriate documentation and payment to our offices, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. We are at 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 101.

HOA Redemptions

Homeowner associations redeeming a property must provide:

  • a completed Intent to Redeem Form(PDF, 127KB)
  • certified copy of the Declaration of Covenants (required by state statute and may be returned to the association upon request after it has been recorded in the Public Trustee Office)
  • $50 redemption fee - cash or check (certified check not necessary)
  • A signed and notarized statement confirming that the amount claimed as the portion of the lien used to redeem does not include an amount equal to the first 6 months of dues that would have been due immediately prior to the acceleration of the loan

Turn in all of the above to the Public Trustee by the deadline.

All Other Redemptions

Intent to Redeem Forms(PDF, 127KB) must be:

  • accompanied by the lien being used to redeem the property
  • filled out and notarized
  • accompanied by a $50 redemption fee - cash or check (certified check not necessary)

Turn in all of the above to the Public Trustee by the deadline.

What is the fee to file an Intent to Redeem?

Lien holders are required to remit $100 for each Intent to Redeem, a copy of their lien, a list of expenses and receipts for those expenses.

Deed Release

What is the procedure for filing a Release of Deed of Trust?

Please see our Release of Deeds of Trust Information Tab.

Has my Release of Deed of Trust been recorded?

To check the recording status of a Release of Deed of Trust, call 311 inside Denver, or 720-865-8400, and ask to be transferred to the Public Trustee.


Forms and fees

Effective July 1, 2024, Release of Deed of Trust fees increased to $30 plus recording costs.

See Full List of Increased Form and Fee Costs(PDF, 110KB)

Click Here for All Foreclosure Forms and Fees