Record Documents

Remote access to recording and marriage services is available!

Due to capacity constraints, visitors to our office are limited to only the parties with appointments. 


The Office of the Denver Clerk and Recorder does not process license plates or license plate renewals. Denver Motor Vehicle handles license plates for Denver County.

Appointments are currently required for recording services. To schedule an appointment, please visit the booking calendar.

Submit Documents to the Correct County: Documents intended for recording in one county may be sent to another county by mistake. Denver County CANNOT reject these documents or issue refunds for recording fees paid in error. It is the responsibility of the submitter to ensure that you are recording documents in the appropriate county.


Notice Regarding Recorded Documents
Recording a document with our office creates a permanent, public record of all the information in that document. Once recorded, your document will be available to the public online and in our archives in the office. 

Please be certain that you want to record documents in Denver County. Denver County cannot reject these recorded documents or issue refunds for recording fees due to an improper submission. 


If you are using assistive technology and are unable to access the content of the documents on this page, email


Fees and forms

LEGAL ADVICE CANNOT BE PROVIDED. The Office of the Clerk and Recorder staff cannot help you complete legal forms or provide legal advice of any kind. If you have questions about completing forms, which forms to record, etc. we recommend you contact a real estate attorney.

Note: Make checks payable to Manager of Finance 


The City and County encourages eRecording for the convenience, speed and security. eRecording takes minutes. The process of submitting by paper, particularly if you are mailing it in, can take a week to 10 days to complete.

The City and County of Denver currently contracts with the following submitters which can be contacted to set up an eRecording account.

eRecording Services

  • eRecording Partners Network LLC—EPN
  • Corporation Service Company—CSC (formerly Ingeo)

Submit Documents to the Correct County
Often, documents intended for recording in one county are sent to another county by mistake. Denver County CANNOT reject these documents or issue refunds for recording fees paid in error. It is the sole responsibility of the submitter to ensure that you are recording documents in the appropriate county.

Recording fees

We do not accept temporary checks. We can't accept credit card information over the phone. Make checks payable to Manager of Finance.

Recording Fees

Fees are calculated per document, submitted on paper, maximum size 24” by 36” (e.g., exhibits which are maps or surveys).

  • First page: $13
  • Each additional page: $5
  • Certified copy: $1 for certification, per document, $0.25 per page

Surveys attached as an exhibit must be on paper and will be scanned and sized down. If a survey is not on paper, a paper copy will be made for recording at a cost of $5 per page, in addition to the recording fee. Note: if a Survey is being submitted as a stand-alone recording, please refer to the Large-format document requirements below. 

UCC Financing Statements

  • 1-2 pages: $13
  • 3 or more pages: $18
  • All eRecorded UCC statements (unlimited pages): $8

Documentary fee (applicable to all real estate grants and conveyances):

  • Per $100: $0.01 when the conveyance is more than $500
  • Less than $500: no documentary fee assessed

Real Estate Documents

Federal tax lien

  • Flat charge (regardless of page count): $8

Large-format documents required to be on mylar: condominium map, subdivision plat map, planned building group.

  • First page: $13
  • Each additional page: $10

Release of Deed of Trust

  • For a 1-page Release of Deed of Trust (includes $15 Public Trustee Execution Fee and $13 Recording Fee): $28
  • For a 2-page Release of Deed of Trust (includes $15 Public Trustee Execution Fee, $13 Recording Fee for the first page, and $5 Recording fee for the second page): $33

All others, per document:

  • First page: $13
  • Each additional page: $5

Military Discharge:

  • DD-214: Free

Marriage and Civil Union Licensing

  • Marriage License—cash, check, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover): $30 Committed Partnership license (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover): $25
  • Marriage License or Application copy: $0.25
  • Marriage License or Application certified copy: $1.25

Tarifas de Registros

Solo aceptamos pago con tarjetas de crédito o débito y cheques (que se procesará durante su cita)

Tarifas de Registros

Cada documento, presentado en papel, tamaño máximo 24"x 36" (por ejemplo, documentos que son mapas o encuestas)

  • Primera pagina: $13
  • Cada página adicional: $5
  • Copia certificada: $1 por la certificación de cada documento, $0.25 por página

Las encuestas deben estar en papel y se escaneara y se reducirán en tamaño. Si la encuesta no está en papel, se hará una copia en papel para hacer el registro a un costo de $5 por página, además de la tarifa de registro.

Estado de cuenta de financiación de la UCC

  • 1-2 paginas: $13
  • 3 páginas o más: $18
  • Todas las declaraciones de UCC registradas electrónicamente, páginas ilimitadas: $8

Comisión Documental (aplicable a todas las subvenciones y transportes inmobiliarios)

  • Por cada $1,000: $0.10
  • Menos de $500: free

Documentos inmobiliarios

Gravamen de impuesto federal

  • Tasa fija (independientemente del número de páginas): $8

Documentos de formato grande son requeridos estar en Mylar: mapa de condominios, mapa de placas de subdivisión, grupo de construcción planificado

  • Primera Pagina: $13
  • Cada página adicional: $10

Liberación de escritura de Fideicomiso

  • Para una escritura de garantía (Release of Deed of Trust) de 1 página (incluye una tarifa de ejecución del comisario público de $15 y una tarifa de registro de $13): $28
  • Para un escritura de garantía (Release of Deed of trust) de 2 páginas (incluye $15 tarifa de ejecución del comisario público, tarifa de registro de $13 para la 1ª página, y tarifa de registro de $5 para la 2ª página): $33
  • Se aumenta $5 por cada página adicional

Cualquier otro Documento

  • Primera pagina: $13
  • Cada pagina adicional: $5

Documentación de alta militar

  • DD-214: free

Actas de matrimonio y unión civil

  • Acta de matrimonio: Efectivo, cheque o tarjeta de crédito (Visa, MasterCard o Discover): $30
  • Certificado de pareja comprometida (Visa, MasterCard o Discover): $25
  • Acta de matrimonio o copia de solicitud: $0.25
  • Copia certificada del acta de matrimonio o de la solicitud: $1.25

Recording standards and practices

1. Mail your document with check or money order payable to "Manager of Finance" to Clerk & Recorder Recording Dept., 201 W. Colfax, Dept. 101, Denver, CO 80202, or

2. Bring your document into the Clerk and Recorder's office in person. You may pay with cash, check, money order or credit card (Mastercard, Visa or Discover). Temporary checks are not accepted.

Preparation of Documents

  • Margin requirements : one-inch margin on the top of the page and one-half inch on each side. Margin requirements are dictated by C.R.S. 30-10-406(3)(a).
  • To file a lien, you must obtain the proper blank form, fill it out and have it notarized prior to bringing it to the Office of the Clerk and Recorder.
  • Clerk and Recorder staff cannot supply forms or assist in filling out of forms as this is considered legal advice. Please consult your attorney.

Submit Documents to the Correct County

Often, documents intended for recording in one county are sent to another county by mistake. Denver County CANNOT reject these documents or issue refunds for recording fees paid in error. It is the sole responsibility of the submitter to ensure that you are recording documents in the appropriate county.

Satisfaction of judgment

An Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment must be mailed to the District Court to be marked paid in the Court’s records. The Court will give you a Certificate of Satisfaction of Judgment. The fee for the Certificate is $20. Make a cashier’s check or money order payable to Denver District Court. Please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the Court to return the Certificate. This transaction may be made in person instead of by mail.

Send the Acknowledgment to:

Denver District Court Clerk
1437 Bannock St., Room 256
Denver, CO 80202

When you receive the Certificate of Satisfaction of Judgment, bring or send it to the Clerk and Recorder’s Office to record. Please send a self-addressed envelope with your certificate. The recording fee is $13. We accept a personal check or money order made payable to Manager of Finance. If you come into the office, we accept credit cards (except American Express).

Send the Certificate to:

Denver Clerk & Recorder’s Office
201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 101
Denver, CO 80202

We do not report to the Credit Bureaus.  You will need to send copies of your recorded Certificate of Satisfaction of Judgment to the three credit bureaus. Credit bureau information is available on the Internet.


Search for records

  • Marriage license applications (not the marriage license/certificate itself) from 1902 through 2003 may be researched through the Denver Public Library.
  • Marriage records older than 1902 may be obtained from the Colorado Office of Vital Statistics. That office also maintains birth, divorce and death records.