Frequently Asked Questions

Find Answers To Our Most Common Questions


About the Application Process

How do I apply for an Entry Level Police Officer of Firefighter position?

Prior to applying for any job posting, please review the informational booklets found on our page to ensure you meet the minimum qualifications and to understand the testing/ screening process.

As part of the application process you will need the required documents ready to upload to your application:

  • Birth Certificate
  • High School Diploma or Transcript
  • DD214 (if applicable) Member 4 or Service 2 copy
  • Resume (not required but helpful to import general information to your application)

Applying for a Firefighter or Police Officer position.  Follow these steps:

  1. All positions at the City and County of Denver are posted on the Career Site
  2. Police and Fire positions are also posted on our website under job postings:
  3. You will be required to create a Workday account using your email address, the first time you apply for a position.  Please remember your login ID/password as the Commission will not be able to help you reset your ID/password 
  4. When applying for a position, you can upload your resume to help populate your work experience and education portions of the application. Uploading a resume is optional.
  5. After you have entered your contact information, experience, and education, you will answer a series of application questions.  Please answer these questions honestly and completely.  During this time you may be requested to upload additional documents if available.
  6.  Throughout the application process, you will be required to log in to your career site account in Workday to check for additional tasks and to view the status of your application. Also, check your personal email accounts for required tasks and information.  Those emails will be coming from

How long does the Entry Level hiring process take?

The hiring process can take from 6 months to two years depending on the hiring needs of the department, your total score and the next available academy. An applicant must pass all test/screening phases and be selected by the Executive Director of Safety before being hired and starting an academy. 

What if I can’t readily locate my high school diploma?

You may substitute a letter from your high school on official letterhead, which indicates your date of graduation or you may substitute an official high school transcript if it indicates date of high school graduation on the transcript.


Entry Level Testing

Is there an age limit for Entry Level Police or Firefighter positions?
The minimum age for police is 21 years old. The minimum for firefighter is 21 years old.
Is there a study guide or practice test for the written test?
Study guides may be downloaded from either the Commission's website or the  Denver Police Recruitment's website or the Denver Fire Recruitment's website. The study guides also give additional resources for study material. Download  Police Study MaterialsFire Study Materials.
Will there be a tutorial before the next examination?
Tutorial sessions are not administered by the Civil Service Commission. However, employee groups within the Denver Police and Denver Fire Departments volunteer to host tutorial sessions.  For more information about employee groups  visit  Denver Public Safety Recruitment's website.
What kind of questions are on the Entry-Level Police Officer or Firefighter test?
Sample questions and a description of items for each test may be found in the following study guides:  Police Officer Applicant Study Guide and the Firefighter Applicant Study Guide.
What if I  need accommodations to take the test?
If an applicant requests an accommodation in the application process, we are entitled to determine whether you have a covered disability within the meaning of the American Disability Act (ADA), and whether such disability requires an accommodation. Specifically, in order to determine whether you have a covered disability within the meaning of the ADA, we need a recent statement (dated within the last six months) from an appropriate health care provider. See the 'ADA Requests and Questions' section for more information.
 When can I re-test for Police Officer or Firefighter?
Re-test opportunities are available under two circumstances:
1) Applicants who pass the written test may re-apply and test one year from the date of their original written test, if testing slots are available. 2) Applicants who fail the written test may re-apply and test six months from the date of their last written test.

I am an out-of-state applicant, how many times will I need to travel to Denver for testing?
Entry-level applicants will need to make two trips to Denver,  1 - pre-offer testing, 2 - post offer testing. You must successfully complete required testing and advance to additional test/screening phases.
Can an Out-of-State Laterals Applicants become a Denver Police Officer without having to go through the whole process? 
All applicants must complete all phases of testing. To reduce your travel requirements, the Commission condenses Lateral Out-of-State test so that only two trips are required.    


ADA Requests and Questions

In order to determine whether you have a covered disability within the meaning of the ADA, we need a recent statement (dated within the last six months) from an appropriate health care provider answering the following questions: 

1.  What is the applicant’s medical diagnosis (or diagnoses)?
2.  What is the expected duration of his/her diagnosed condition(s)?
3.  What, if any, corrective measures and/or medication is applicant pursuing to address his/her diagnosed condition(s)? 
4.  In light of the corrective measures and/or medication, if any, referenced in response to the above question, what, if any, of the applicant’s major life activities are substantially limited by his/her diagnosed condition(s)?  Please describe how each major life activity is substantially limited despite any corrective measures and/or medication.  If no major life activities are substantially limited, please so state.

An impairment is substantially limiting when it renders a person unable to perform major life activities that the average person can perform, or when it significantly restricts the condition, manner, or duration under which he or she can perform the major life activity as compared to an average person.  29 C.F.R. § 1630.2(j)(1)(i) & (ii).  In determining whether an individual is substantially limited in a major life activity, the following three factors should be considered: (1) the nature and severity of the impairment; (2) the duration or expected duration of the impairment; and (3) the permanent long term impact, or the expected permanent or long term impact of or resulting from the impairment.  29 C.F.R. § 1630.2(j)(2).  You should provide your provider with this definition and ask the provider to specifically address these factors in setting forth what, if any, substantial limitations you have resulting from the diagnosis (es).

5.  What, if any, specific reasonable accommodations are needed regarding the Police Officer tests?  Please include in your response, an answer to the following:

If prolonged test taking time is recommended, please indicate the specific length of additional time that is needed for each test component.


Lateral Qualifications and Experience

Does my patrol experience (i.e. calls to duty) have to be consecutive? 
No, the time does not have to be consecutive.
I have three consecutive years of police experience: two years on the street and one year as a School Resource Officer, does that qualify me for lateral entry consideration?
No, the department has indicated that being a school resource officer is not the same as answering calls street duty.  You would not meet the experience requirement.
Does my deputy sheriff experience count toward the required three years patrol experience? 
If you are post-certified, the classification of a deputy sheriff may count if your experience is in actual calls street duty and not just transportation of prisoners or working in a jail environment. If you are currently employed in a sworn position, and have had the minimum three years patrol experience in the past, you may be eligible.
If I am currently a campus security officer, does this count toward the three years of patrol experience?
Campus security does not typically qualify as lateral experience. However, if your are a police officer at a “Full Service” university Police Department, such as the University of Colorado at Boulder Police Department and Colorado State University Police Department, your experience will be considered on a case-by-case basis for lateral appointment. “Full Service” is defined as an agency in which the officers respond to calls for service, make arrests and file criminal cases without having to do so through another law enforcement agency. “Full Service” university police department patrol experience can satisfy the minimum three years patrol experience that must be obtained prior to application.


Selection Process

I was disqualified during the testing process, can you explain why?
There are several reasons why this may have occurred:
  1. You may not meet the minimum qualifications. You should have received written notice from the Commission explaining why you were not qualified.
  2. You did not successfully complete a required test phase. You should have received an email from the Commission indicating what testing phase you did not successfully complete. The Commission will disclose if you failed the physical ability test, suitability phases of testing, or any component of the medical evaluation.
  3. Your application file may contain information that is deemed unsuitable for individuals applying for employment in a public safety capacity. If your file is found unsuitable for employment consideration, you may fail the preliminary or background review testing phase. Applicants waive any right or opportunity to read or review any information related to background information therefore, specific reasons for non-selection are not provided.
I think I answered an application questions incorrectly and was disqualified.  What can I do?
Please send a written request to the Executive Director, Niecy Murray. The request should include the question you answered incorrectly, the reason the answer is incorrect, any supporting documentation to show the answer is incorrect, and contact  information (including mailing address and phone number) where you can be reached.
I was not selected to continue for academy consideration. Why? 
There are several reasons why this may occurred:
  1. You did not pass the required test phases, or your file was deemed unsuitable for employment consideration in the public safety capacity.
  2. You were not available to complete the required testing.
  3. Your score was not high enough for your name to be placed on the Eligible Register.
  4. Your name is on the Eligible Register, but your rank was not high enough to be certified to the Manager of Safety.
  5. Your name was certified, but the Manager of Safety did not select you.
  6. Your name was certified, but there were insufficient openings in the academy class.


About the Academy

When is the next Police Officer or Firefighter Academy?
The academy start date depends upon the personnel needs of the department. Please contact the Commission for infomation regarding next anticipated start date. 
What is the starting salary and benefits for a Police Officer or Firefighter?
For 2022 the starting salary is $66,228 annually for Police Officer Recruits and $63,875 annually for Fire Recruits, 4th grade.  The benefits are part of a collective bargaining agreement. The benefits include vacation and sick leave, medical, dental, vision, and retirement options. Click here for more details about police benefits:  Collective Bargaining Agreement 
Where is the Police and Fire Academy located?
The police academy is currently located at:
2155 N. Akron Way
Denver CO
(720) 913-1350


The Rocky Mountain Fire Academy is located at:
5440 Roslyn Street, Bldg 5
Denver CO 
(720) 865-4075
How long is the academy for a entry level and lateral entry Police Officers?
The academies combine both entry level and lateral-entry recruits in the same class. For entry-level police officers, the academy is approximately 27 weeks long. For later-entry police officers, the academy may be from 10 to 27 weeks depending upon the individual’s level of performance in the academy and prior police experience and training. Training schedule vary but are typically Monday through Friday. The FTO program typically runs from 2 ½ months to 3 ½ months. Recruits are paid a full salary while in academy. Lateral-entry may be advance in pay and rank upon completion of the academy. Recruits must provide his or her own housing during academy.


How long is the fire academy?
The fire academy is approximately 24 weeks long. Training schedules vary but are typical Monday through Friday. There are no lateral entry provisions for the Fire Department. Housing is off-site. Other arrangements must be made with the Fire Academy.
Does my academy training count toward the three years of patrol experience?
No, your training academy does not count toward the requirement for patrol experience.  However, upon successful completion of an academy, the field training time does count.


Other Civil Service Information

I work for another Police Department; can I transfer my retirement into DPD?
The Denver Police Department retirement program is administered by State Fire Police Pension Association plan.  If your current department uses the state plan, you may be able to transfer. If your current department does not follow the state plan, you may be able to buy credits.  Please contact the Police Human Resources for further information at 720-913-6644.

Does sheriff experience counts towards additional pay?
Only actual patrol experience counts.  Detention experience/jail duties does not count toward pay grade advancement.
Where can I find information on the Public Safety Cadet Program?
The Public Safety Cadet Program is through the Executive Director of Safety Office.  For specific information on how to become a cadet. Please contact the Public Safety Recruitment Office via email at or via phone at (720) 913-6830.  You can also visit the  Public Safety Cadet Program website.
How do I apply for other City jobs? 
Openings for other jobs within the City and County of Denver are posted here.



For information concerning Pensions for Denver Police Department or Denver Fire Department click on this link