Disciplinary Appeals

Disciplinary Appeal Process

Appeal to the Hearing Officer

  1. The appeal must be filed within 10 days of the date of service of the Departmental Order of Disciplinary Action (DODA).
  2. A Hearing Officer will be randomly assigned, and the Manager of Safety and the Department will be notified that an appeal has been filed in response to the DODA.
  3. The matter will be scheduled to be heard before the assigned Hearing Officer.
  4. The Hearing Officer will issue a written decision within 30 days after hearing the closing arguments in the matter.

Appeal to the Commissioners

  1. A Notice of Appeal to review the Hearing Officer's decision must be filed within 15 days after the service of the Hearing Officer's decision.
  2. Briefs addressing the issue may be filed by both parties.
  3. The matter may be scheduled for Oral Argument to be heard before the Commission Board.
  4. The Commissioners shall then issue a Final Decision and Order.

Commission Rule 12: Disqualification and Disciplinary Appeals, Hearings, and Procedures 

View Commission Rule 12(PDF, 377KB)  (effective 5/4/2017)


To file an appeal, click on this link: cschearing@denvergov.org

Please contact Brandon Dorsey for more information at brandon.dorsey@denvergov.org

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