Online payments process

Here are instructions how all customers can submit payment for a business license or renewal via online.

The Department of Excise and Licenses will continue to process applications, via email, for all license types. Applications that are currently fully online (such as Security Guard, Short Term Rentals and Retail Tobacco) will continue to be worked with no changes or interruptions to the current process. Mailed in applications will continue to be worked with no changes or interruptions to the current process. Please see the steps below on how to submit payment for your application online.

How to Submit Online Payment

  1. In order to be able to submit your payment online, you MUST first submit your new/renew application to Excise and Licenses via email or in person. We will then issue you an invoice. Once you have your invoice, follow the instructions below.
  2. If you are paying an administrative citation fee, you need your administrative citation number.
  3. Go to our online Permitting and Licensing Center.
  4. You can either log in on this page if you already have an account or you can register for a new account
  5. Once you have logged in, click on the Business Licenses section or the Search Records section.
  6. In the General Search section:
    • In the Start Date change the date to 01/01/1900. If you do not, your license will not come up.
    • If you are looking to pay for a NEW license or a License Fine: in the License Number field, enter in % and the Business File Number. that is listed on your invoice (ex. %2023-BFN-0001234). The search information should be for the invoice that you want to submit payment for.
    • If you are looking to pay for a RENEWAL: in the License Number field, enter in % and the Renewal File Number that is listed on your invoice (ex. %2023-RENEW-0001234). The search information should be for the invoice that you want to submit payment for.
    • If you are looking to pay for an AMENDMENT:  in the License Number field, enter in % and the Amendment File Number that is listed on your invoice (ex. %2023-AMEND-0002125). The search information should be for the invoice that you want to submit payment for.
    • If you are looking to pay for a CITATION: in the License Number field, enter in % and the Administrative Citation (XXXX-ENFORCE-YYYYYYY) that is listed on your citation (ex. %2023-ENFORCE-0002125). The search information should be for the citation that you want to submit payment for.
  7. Click on the Search button.

 Accela Citizens Access Business Licenses Search Picture


  1. The record that is ready for payment will have the Action of Pay Fees Due.
  2. Click on Pay Fees Due



Accela Citizen Access Pay Fees Due Screen


  1. You will be brought to the invoice screen. Make sure that the invoice amount here matches the invoice amount that was emailed to you.
  2. Click on Continue Application.



Accela Citizen Access Invoice Picture


  1. You will now be re-directed to a third party payment center
  2. Click on Checkout Now



Accela Citizen Access Online Payment Picture


  1. You will now enter your payment information.
  2. Click on Complete Transaction.
  3. Save a copy of the next page as that will be your receipt.
  4. Once you have made your payment, notify that you have paid your invoice. Please be sure to include your Business File Number in the email. Please attach a copy of the page that you saved as your receipt.



Accela Citizen Access Online Payment Picture 2