Surrender a marijuana business license

Picture of a marijuana plant

Marijuana business licenses that have been transitioned to Denver’s Online Permitting and Licensing Center must be surrendered by following the step-by-step process below.

Please note: If you have not transitioned your marijuana business license to the Online Licensing Center and you would like to surrender the license, you may complete the affidavit of surrender form(PDF, 2MB) and submit it to

A license surrender is not reversible. Once you submit a surrender application and it is processed, we cannot make the license active or valid again. The surrender application may be processed immediately, so please be certain about your decision to surrender your license(s).

Submit a Surrender application

Step 1.Log in to your online account  

Log in to your Denver Online Permitting and Licensing Center.

Step 2.Navigate to your records

In Denver's Online Permitting and Licensing Center:

  • Under Business, Short-Term Rental, and Occupational Licensing, click "Renew or Manage." This will take you to the "My Records" page.
  • To surrender a license, find the "License Type" column. Find the row with the Licensed Establishment, Record Name and Address associated with the license you would like to surrender. In the right column, click "Amendment."
  • Then, select "Surrender License(s)" and click "Continue Application."

Step 3.Select the license(s) you want to surrender

Select the license(s) you want to surrender. Mark the checkbox next to the license(s) you want to surrender and click "Edit Selected." In the popup window, mark the "Surrender" checkbox and click "Submit." Then, click "Continue Application."

Review and confirm the information and click "Continue Application" again.

This will begin and guide you through the application to surrender your license(s).

Please note: As part of this process, you will need to complete and upload the affidavit of surrender form(PDF, 2MB).

Any time during the process, you can save and resume your application within 30 days. After 30 days, you will need to start again.

Step 4.City application review; completion

When you submit a complete surrender application, a city licensing technician will review the application and all required documents. The surrender application could be processed immediately, or the review could take five to seven business days and might take longer depending on the volume of applications pending before the Department. When the Department's review is complete, the license status will be updated to "surrendered." A license surrender is not reversible.