Applications for business licenses and amendments must be complete. They must include all required information and documents. Remember:
- All materials must be digital files and saved as a .pdf or .jpg file only. Do not include any other file types in your application. The Department of Excise and Licenses will not accept other file types.
- Legal documents included with the application must be properly signed and executed.
- All materials must be legible.
- In some cases, you could have to combine documents and upload them in a single .pdf. You can use a free, online tool to merge documents into a single file.
- Incomplete applications will be rejected.
Applicants can use this checklist(PDF, 136KB) to gather the required information and documents.
Important: If you are applying for multiple licenses at a single location or under a single entity name, you only need to complete the licensed establishment and entity registration records once. After you complete the initial licensed establishment and entity registration applications, you can add licenses to those records. Only create new licensed establishment and entity registration records for new locations and new entities.
For the licensed establishment record, every applicant (except for no-premises transporters and mobile hospitality businesses with no licensed premises in Denver) will provide:
- Any location name you may use to distinguish locations. For example, if you have multiple licenses at multiple locations.
- The name, position, date of birth, home address, phone number and email address for an onsite manager. They have the authority to make decisions about the licensed establishment. And they have access to and control over the licensed establishment at all times (required for all applicants).
- A zoning use permit or acknowledgement of zoning use permit form(PDF, 109KB). An acknowledgement of zoning use permit form can be used to submit a new license application. A new license will not be issued until the applicant provides a valid zoning use permit.
- Proof of legal possession of the premises. It must be valid for at least 90 days from the date a complete application is submitted. Only one of the following must be submitted:
- A complete possession of property certificate(PDF, 262KB) (recommended); or
- A deed; or
- A complete, unredacted lease, including all amendments. If leased, the owner must provide written consent to lease the property to a marijuana facility. The the lease must be valid for at least 90 days from the date a complete application is submitted.
- A floor plan that meets the requirements for marijuana licensing. See floor plan requirements below.
- A copy of burglar alarm monitoring contract.
- A copy of burglar alarm permit.
For the entity registration record, every applicant will provide:
- Any trade names under which the entity operates.
- Information for every controlling beneficial owner (natural persons and entities) associated with the license. This includes the name, home address, date of birth (or the date of incorporation of the entity), position, phone number, email address, percentage owned, state owner license number, relevant social equity qualification information, and voluntary demographic information for every owner.
- For owner-entities associated with the license, select "Holding Company" in the "Position" drop-down.
- A copy of a valid government-issued identification for each controlling beneficial owner (natural person) associated with the license, directly or through an entity
- A copy of organizational documents or corporate governance documents (articles of incorporation, by-laws, operating or partnership agreement, and certificate of trade name).
- An organizational chart to clarify ownership structure.
For the business file number (license) record, applicants will provide:
- A valid, related state business license number.
- A burglar alarm permit number. This is not required for no-premises transporters or mobile hospitality businesses with no licensed premises in Denver.
- A business employer identification number.
- Proof of eligibility for any social equity licensee(PDF, 65KB) listed in the ownership structure. This is required only if social equity licensees are listed in the ownership structure.
- A complete social impact plan(PDF, 40KB). This must be on the city's provided template. This is required for every license (every license type, medical and retail). Only one business file number should be entered per form.
- A copy of the city sales tax license. This is required only for stores and hospitality and sales businesses.
- A copy of the state sales tax license. This is required only for stores and hospitality and sales businesses.
- Proof of an occupational privilege tax license. This is required only for transporters.
- An odor control plan(PDF, 202KB). This is required only for hospitality and hospitality and sales businesses.
- A health and sanitation plan(PDF, 162KB). This is required only for hospitality, hospitality and sales, and mobile hospitality businesses.
- Business Tax Account ID. This is not required for transporter or off-premises storage facility. This is the occupational privilege tax. It's the first six digits of that account number.
More information for mobile hospitality business licenses
If you are applying for a mobile hospitality business license, you must apply for separate licenses for each mobile premises (vehicle). You must provide:
- The Vehicle Identification Number.
- Bus layout diagram should include ingress and egress labeled, driver division, GPS tracking device, security cameras, consumption areas, limited or restricted access areas, licensed premised, entity name, and key/legend.
- The license plate number.
- A copy of the vehicle registration.
- Proof of insurance for the vehicle.
- Route log form(PDF, 142KB) that shows pickup and drop-off locations, as well as all stops along the route, must be submitted as a single PDF document. Sample route log(PDF, 186KB).
More information for off-premises storage facility licenses
For a medical or retail marijuana off-premises storage facility application, you must provide:
- The related Denver marijuana business file number associated with the new off-premises storage facility. For example, the business file number for the store, cultivation, etc., associated with the off-premises storage facility.
- The related state of Colorado marijuana business license number associated with the new off-premises storage facility. For example, the state business license number for the store, cultivation, etc., associated with the off-premises storage facility.
More information for transporters applying for delivery permits