Transfer ownership of a liquor license

A business entity seeking to obtain ownership of an existing liquor license must apply for a transfer of ownership.

An applicant can request a temporary liquor permit authorizing the applicant to continue selling alcohol as permitted under the permanent license when an application to transfer the ownership of the license is pending.

You must apply for the transfer of ownership before becoming eligible to apply for a temporary liquor permit.

Transfers or changes of financial interest in a license must be reported to the Colorado State Liquor Licensing Division within 30 days.

Other considerations

Fingerprinting required

People new to the corporation or limited liability company who have not previously been qualified must be fingerprinted.

Liquor license applicants require fingerprints for the following:

  • All officers and directors.
  • Members and shareholders who own 10% or more of the business entity.

If an officer or manager of a licensee has already been qualified and is only changing positions within the licensee entity, that person will not have to be requalified, and no fee will be charged unless the Department has reason to suspect there has been a change in the record of the individual since the last qualification.

Investigation and findings


The Department could investigate the accuracy of information and/or documents submitted; the fitness of the applicant to conduct the business for which a license is sought; the character, record or reputation of the applicant or its officers or directors relating to the likelihood that violations of the liquor code could occur.

The Department will send a notification of a new application to the Denver Police Department, division chief of patrol, for review.


The Department will issue written findings to the applicant that address the following:

  • Complete and accurate application.
  • Qualification or disqualification of the application.

Public hearing

  • The Department will only conduct a public hearing on the transfer application if issues related to unsatisfactory character, record or reputation are uncovered in the application or investigation.
  • In such an event, a show-cause order will be issued by the director and a hearing will be scheduled.
  • The hearing will be conducted by a hearing officer. The hearing officer will issue a recommended decision and the director will issue the final decision.

Closing documents

A copy of appropriate closing documents must be submitted to the Department before issuance of the license.

Online form application

Step 1.Before you apply

Read the ordinance for this license under "Municipal Code" on the right side of the page to make sure this license is right for you.

Step 2.Find your state license number

State license number

Step 3.Pay state renewal fees

Receipt of payment of state fees will need to be uploaded. This link will help take you to where you can pay the state fees.

Step 4.Do you have a cabaret license?

If you have a cabaret license with your liquor license you must submit a new cabaret application with the transfer of ownership application.

Step 5.Zoning use permit

This license requires a zoning use permit.

A zoning use permit grants the applicant/owner of a lot, building, or structure permission for the requested use of the land. "Use" can be any activity, occupation, business, or operation in a building or on a lot/tract of land.

If you currently do not have a zone use permit, you may apply instead with a Acknowledgement of Zone Use Permit(PDF, 87KB). This will allow you to begin your application while you secure a proper zone use permit. Your license will not issue until a proper zone use permit has submitted. Applications that fail to provide a zone use permit will not issue or be eligible for a refund.

  1. Before contacting Zoning, email CPD Records to ask if there's an existing zoning use permit for your address. Allow up to 10 business days for them to respond.
  2. If they respond there isn't a zoning use permit for your address, then contact Zoning to apply for a permit. They will tell you if you're zoned for the use. Allow up to 10 business days for them to respond.


Step 6.Fingerprint process

  • Need to provide notice to applicants(PDF, 99KB) for all owners. The document must be signed by the owner. One document per owner.
    • All officers and directors.
    • Members and shareholders who own 10% or more of the business entity.
  • The notice to applicants(PDF, 99KB) must be submitted at the time of application.
  • Once the application has been processed and all fees have been paid, Excise and Licenses will email the applicant their codes to go get fingerprints. The same code can be used for everyone on the application. This code informs CBI where to send the background check.
  • It can take 10 to 15 days for fingerprints to be processed.
  • If your fingerprints have not been completed, your application will not be processed.

Any questions, email

Step 7.Gather all required documents

Make sure you have everything from the "Required documents" section below.

Important notes to keep in mind about your documents:

  • All materials must be digital files saved as a .pdf or .jpg. Do not include any other file types. The Department of Excise and Licenses cannot accept other file types.
  • Use numbers or letters but not characters such as symbols (/ ? < > \ : * | “ ^) or spaces that could cause complications.
    • For example:
      • Good filename: drivers-license-name-2022.pdf
      • Bad filename: last name/ id.pdf
  • In some cases, you might need to combine documents and upload them in a single .pdf. You can use a free, online tool to merge documents into a single file. 
  • Legal documents must be signed, dated and executed. All pages of large legal documents (such as a lease) must be included in the application.
  • All materials must be legible. 
  • Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Step 8.Submit an application

To submit your application, please go to this online application, fill it out, attach all required documents and submit online.

Make sure you have all required documents and information ready when you start. If you need to gather the information during the application process, you can save and resume later.

After applying, you will receive an invoice to pay fees. You cannot pay fees until you have an invoice. Visit the online payment process page or watch the "How to pay online" video for more information.

  • Make sure that you have a bank account, Mastercard, Visa, or Discover card to pay online.

For questions, email or call 311.

Step 9.Temporary liquor permit process

The applicant submits, in writing, the request for a temporary liquor permit along with the application for change in ownership.

  • The application for a temporary permit must be filed no later than 30 days after the filing of the application for transfer of ownership.
  • An applicant applying for a liquor-licensed drugstore for a merger and conversion is not eligible for a temporary permit. (Effective Jan. 1, 2017)

The application is reviewed by the Department and subject to investigations.

A temporary permit, if granted, by a local licensing authority will be issued within five business days after it has been received and will be valid until the application to transfer ownership of the license to the applicant is granted or denied or for 120 days, whichever happens first. 

If the application to transfer the license has not been granted or denied within the 120-day period and the transferee demonstrates good cause, the Department could extend the permit for up to 60 days.

Step 10.Pay required fees

State application fee: $1,100 plus all other applicable fees.

City application fee: $750 plus all other applicable fees.

City temporary liquor permit:  $100

State fees made payable to Colorado Department of Revenue.

City fees made payable to Manager of Finance.

Step 11.City application review and next steps

Excise and Licenses tries to conduct an initial review of a complete application within seven business days. The review process might take longer if it is incomplete or requires police review (if applicable).

  • All application-related communications will be sent through email, from Do not respond to these emails as this inbox is not monitored.
  • If the application is incomplete, the applicant will receive a "notice of deficiency" email. This allows 14 days for corrections. License endorsement requests and incidents on a background check need police review.
  • All applications will be closed if they are not completed within 12 months.

Step 12.Public hearing (if applicable)

  • A public hearing is scheduled once all other requirements are complete.
  • An area is designated around the proposed location from where residents and business owners/managers can sign petitions and testify at the public hearing.
  • A sign is posted at the premises of the proposed liquor license for at least 20 days before the hearing.
  • The posting sign must follow these guidelines:
    • Be white, sturdy, and measure 22 inches wide by 26 inches high with letters not less than 1 inch high.
    • Show the type of license, the date and time of the hearing, the name and address of the licensee and any partners or officers of the licensee.
    • Be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises so it is visible and legible.
    • Contain a map of the designated area.
    • Contents to be included on the posting sign will be established by the Department of Excise and Licenses.
  • Registered neighborhood organizations, public newspapers, City Council and the police district are notified of the application and public hearing.
  • Petitions are circulated in support and against the proposed liquor license. Read more about petitions(PDF, 54KB).
  • Public hearing is held.
  • Final decision is issued by the director of Excise and Licenses.

Read more about public hearings

Step 13.Required inspections

An inspection notice will be emailed after the hearing. You cannot start inspections until the liquor hearing has been approved. Inspections required for this license, listed by department, are below under "Required inspections."

Step 14.License issuance

After all the steps below are complete, email to let the Department know you want your license emailed. Include the business file number (BFN), and the name and address of the business.

  1. All required documents are complete and submitted (if applicable).
  2. Fees are paid in full.
  3. All required inspections are passed (if applicable).

The licensee should read "Once you have your license" below and follow the requirements.

Mail application

Step 1.Before you apply

Read the ordinance for this license under "Municipal Code" on the right side of the page to make sure this license is right for you.

Step 2.Find your state license number

State license number

Step 3.Pay state renewal fees

Receipt of payment of state fees will need to be uploaded. This link will help take you to where you can pay the state fees.

Step 4.Do you have a cabaret license?

If you have a cabaret license with your liquor license you must submit a new cabaret application with the transfer of ownership application.

Step 5.Zoning use permit

This license requires a zoning use permit.

A zoning use permit grants the applicant/owner of a lot, building, or structure permission for the requested use of the land. "Use" can be any activity, occupation, business, or operation in a building or on a lot/tract of land.

If you currently do not have a zone use permit, you may apply instead with a Acknowledgement of Zone Use Permit(PDF, 87KB). This will allow you to begin your application while you secure a proper zone use permit. Your license will not issue until a proper zone use permit has submitted. Applications that fail to provide a zone use permit will not issue or be eligible for a refund.

  1. Before contacting Zoning, email CPD Records to ask if there's an existing zoning use permit for your address. Allow up to 10 business days for them to respond.
  2. If they respond there isn't a zoning use permit for your address, then contact Zoning to apply for a permit. They will tell you if you're zoned for the use. Allow up to 10 business days for them to respond.


Step 6.Fingerprint process

  • Need to provide notice to applicants(PDF, 99KB) for all owners. The document must be signed by the owner. One document per owner.
    • All officers and directors.
    • Members and shareholders who own 10% or more of the business entity.
  • The notice to applicants(PDF, 99KB) must be submitted at the time of application.
  • Once the application has been processed and all fees have been paid, Excise and Licenses will email the applicant their codes to go get fingerprints. The same code can be used for everyone on the application. This code informs CBI where to send the background check.
  • It can take 10 to 15 days for fingerprints to be processed.
  • If your fingerprints have not been completed, your application will not be processed.

Any questions, email

Step 7.Gather all required documents

Make sure you have everything from the "Required documents" section below. 

  • All materials must be printed and legible. 
  • Do not use staples in the documents.
  • Legal documents must be signed, dated and executed. All pages of large legal documents (like a lease) must be included in the application.
  • Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Step 8.Submit an application

Applicants can mail their application with fees to:
City and County of Denver
Department of Excise and Licenses
201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 206
Denver, CO 80202
  • Make checks payable to Manager of Finance
  • Include a current email address in case the Department needs to reach out with questions.
  • If renewing, include your business file number.
For questions, email or call 311.

Step 9.Temporary liquor permit process

The applicant submits, in writing, the request for a temporary liquor permit along with the application for change in ownership.

  • The application for a temporary permit must be filed no later than 30 days after the filing of the application for transfer of ownership.
  • An applicant applying for a liquor-licensed drugstore for a merger and conversion is not eligible for a temporary permit. (Effective Jan. 1, 2017)

The application is reviewed by the Department and subject to investigations.

A temporary permit, if granted, by a local licensing authority will be issued within five business days after it has been received and will be valid until the application to transfer ownership of the license to the applicant is granted or denied or for 120 days, whichever happens first. 

If the application to transfer the license has not been granted or denied within the 120-day period and the transferee demonstrates good cause, the Department could extend the permit for up to 60 days.

Step 10.Pay required fees

State application fee: $1,100 plus all other applicable fees.

City application fee: $750 plus all other applicable fees.

City temporary liquor permit:  $100

State fees made payable to Colorado Department of Revenue.

City fees made payable to Manager of Finance.

Step 11.City application review and next steps

Excise and Licenses tries to conduct an initial review of a complete application within seven business days. The review process might take longer if it is incomplete or requires police review (if applicable).

  • All application-related communications will be sent through email, from Do not respond to these emails as this inbox is not monitored.
  • If the application is incomplete, the applicant will receive a "notice of deficiency" email. This allows 14 days for corrections. License endorsement requests and incidents on a background check need police review.
  • All applications will be closed if they are not completed within 12 months.

Step 12.Public hearing (if applicable)

  • A public hearing is scheduled once all other requirements are complete.
  • An area is designated around the proposed location from where residents and business owners/managers can sign petitions and testify at the public hearing.
  • A sign is posted at the premises of the proposed liquor license for at least 20 days before the hearing.
  • The posting sign must follow these guidelines:
    • Be white, sturdy, and measure 22 inches wide by 26 inches high with letters not less than 1 inch high.
    • Show the type of license, the date and time of the hearing, the name and address of the licensee and any partners or officers of the licensee.
    • Be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises so it is visible and legible.
    • Contain a map of the designated area.
    • Contents to be included on the posting sign will be established by the Department of Excise and Licenses.
  • Registered neighborhood organizations, public newspapers, City Council and the police district are notified of the application and public hearing.
  • Petitions are circulated in support and against the proposed liquor license. Read more about petitions(PDF, 54KB).
  • Public hearing is held.
  • Final decision is issued by the director of Excise and Licenses.

Read more about public hearings

Step 13.Required inspections

An inspection notice will be emailed after the hearing. You cannot start inspections until the liquor hearing has been approved. Inspections required for this license, listed by department, are below under "Required inspections."

Step 14.License issuance

After all the steps below are complete, email to let the Department know you want your license emailed. Include the business file number (BFN), and the name and address of the business.

  1. All required documents are complete and submitted (if applicable).
  2. Fees are paid in full.
  3. All required inspections are passed (if applicable).

The licensee should read "Once you have your license" below and follow the requirements.

Apply in person

Step 1.Before you apply

Read the ordinance for this license under "Municipal Code" on the right side of the page to make sure this license is right for you.

Step 2.Find your state license number

State license number

Step 3.Pay state renewal fees

Receipt of payment of state fees will need to be uploaded. This link will help take you to where you can pay the state fees.

Step 4.Do you have a cabaret license?

If you have a cabaret license with your liquor license you must submit a new cabaret application with the transfer of ownership application.

Step 5.Zoning use permit

This license requires a zoning use permit.

A zoning use permit grants the applicant/owner of a lot, building, or structure permission for the requested use of the land. "Use" can be any activity, occupation, business, or operation in a building or on a lot/tract of land.

If you currently do not have a zone use permit, you may apply instead with a Acknowledgement of Zone Use Permit(PDF, 87KB). This will allow you to begin your application while you secure a proper zone use permit. Your license will not issue until a proper zone use permit has submitted. Applications that fail to provide a zone use permit will not issue or be eligible for a refund.

  1. Before contacting Zoning, email CPD Records to ask if there's an existing zoning use permit for your address. Allow up to 10 business days for them to respond.
  2. If they respond there isn't a zoning use permit for your address, then contact Zoning to apply for a permit. They will tell you if you're zoned for the use. Allow up to 10 business days for them to respond.


Step 6.Fingerprint process

  • Need to provide notice to applicants(PDF, 99KB) for all owners. The document must be signed by the owner. One document per owner.
    • All officers and directors.
    • Members and shareholders who own 10% or more of the business entity.
  • The notice to applicants(PDF, 99KB) must be submitted at the time of application.
  • Once the application has been processed and all fees have been paid, Excise and Licenses will email the applicant their codes to go get fingerprints. The same code can be used for everyone on the application. This code informs CBI where to send the background check.
  • It can take 10 to 15 days for fingerprints to be processed.
  • If your fingerprints have not been completed, your application will not be processed.

Any questions, email

Step 7.Gather all required documents

Make sure you have everything from the "Required documents" section below. 

  • All materials must be printed and legible. 
  • Do not use staples in the documents.
  • Legal documents must be signed, dated and executed. All pages of large legal documents (like a lease) must be included in the application.
  • Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Step 8.Submit an application

Applicants can come to the office to submit their documents. Customers seeking in-person customer service should make an appointment. To make an appointment, visit the appointments website. The Excise and Licenses office is at 201 W. Colfax Ave., on the second floor of the Wellington Webb Municipal Building.

Customers can pay their fees after they receive an invoice. Visit the online payments process page for more information.

  • Make sure that you have a bank account, Mastercard, Visa, or Discover card to pay online.

Applicants are encouraged to pay their fees online, but in-person payments are available. After receiving an invoice, customers can go to the Community Planning and Development cashier counter on the second floor of the Wellington Webb Municipal Building. Cashiers are available Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  • Cash, checks (payable to "Manager of Finance"), Visa, Mastercard, and Discover card are all accepted.

For questions, email or call 311.

Step 9.Temporary liquor permit process

The applicant submits, in writing, the request for a temporary liquor permit along with the application for change in ownership.

  • The application for a temporary permit must be filed no later than 30 days after the filing of the application for transfer of ownership.
  • An applicant applying for a liquor-licensed drugstore for a merger and conversion is not eligible for a temporary permit. (Effective Jan. 1, 2017)

The application is reviewed by the Department and subject to investigations.

A temporary permit, if granted, by a local licensing authority will be issued within five business days after it has been received and will be valid until the application to transfer ownership of the license to the applicant is granted or denied or for 120 days, whichever happens first. 

If the application to transfer the license has not been granted or denied within the 120-day period and the transferee demonstrates good cause, the Department could extend the permit for up to 60 days.

Step 10.Pay required fees

State application fee: $1,100 plus all other applicable fees.

City application fee: $750 plus all other applicable fees.

City temporary liquor permit:  $100

State fees made payable to Colorado Department of Revenue.

City fees made payable to Manager of Finance.

Step 11.City application review and next steps

Excise and Licenses tries to conduct an initial review of a complete application within seven business days. The review process might take longer if it is incomplete or requires police review (if applicable).

  • All application-related communications will be sent through email, from Do not respond to these emails as this inbox is not monitored.
  • If the application is incomplete, the applicant will receive a "notice of deficiency" email. This allows 14 days for corrections. License endorsement requests and incidents on a background check need police review.
  • All applications will be closed if they are not completed within 12 months.

Step 12.Public hearing (if applicable)

  • A public hearing is scheduled once all other requirements are complete.
  • An area is designated around the proposed location from where residents and business owners/managers can sign petitions and testify at the public hearing.
  • A sign is posted at the premises of the proposed liquor license for at least 20 days before the hearing.
  • The posting sign must follow these guidelines:
    • Be white, sturdy, and measure 22 inches wide by 26 inches high with letters not less than 1 inch high.
    • Show the type of license, the date and time of the hearing, the name and address of the licensee and any partners or officers of the licensee.
    • Be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises so it is visible and legible.
    • Contain a map of the designated area.
    • Contents to be included on the posting sign will be established by the Department of Excise and Licenses.
  • Registered neighborhood organizations, public newspapers, City Council and the police district are notified of the application and public hearing.
  • Petitions are circulated in support and against the proposed liquor license. Read more about petitions(PDF, 54KB).
  • Public hearing is held.
  • Final decision is issued by the director of Excise and Licenses.

Read more about public hearings

Step 13.Required inspections

An inspection notice will be emailed after the hearing. You cannot start inspections until the liquor hearing has been approved. Inspections required for this license, listed by department, are below under "Required inspections."

Step 14.License issuance

After all the steps below are complete, email to let the Department know you want your license emailed. Include the business file number (BFN), and the name and address of the business.

  1. All required documents are complete and submitted (if applicable).
  2. Fees are paid in full.
  3. All required inspections are passed (if applicable).

The licensee should read "Once you have your license" below and follow the requirements.

Application forms and business entity documents are required for the applications process. Documents must be printed in black ink or typewritten. Photocopies are accepted.

All documents should be submitted to the Department of Excise and Licenses.

Application documents

  • Make sure no staples are in the documents.
  • Colorado liquor retail license application DR 8404 (The Colorado application also serves as the City and County of Denver's application.)
  • State license number
  • Receipt of payment of state fees will need to be uploaded. This link will help take you to where you can pay the state fees.
  • Tax check authorization, waiver, and request to release information DR 8495
  • Tax certificate(PDF, 793KB) (from Department of Treasury) stating no personal property taxes are due from the city Sales Tax Department.
  • If you want a 120-day temporary license, include a letter requesting it. Be sure to include the name of the company, address, and sign and date the letter. An applicant applying for a liquor-licensed drugstore for a merger and conversion is not eligible for a temporary permit. (Effective Jan. 1, 2017) The application for a temporary permit must be filed no later than 30 days after the filing of the application for transfer of ownership.
  • Notice to applicant(PDF, 99KB) (required for each owner that owns 10% or more of the business. The document needs to be signed by the owner. One document per owner.)
  • Wholesaler affidavit of compliance DR 8004. Statement on a form provided by the Department acknowledging the applicant can be held responsible for any pending disciplinary actions against the former owner and could be responsible for any days of suspension being held in abeyance. Affidavit that each wholesaler that has sold alcohol to the transferor has been paid in full for all alcohol delivered to the transferor.
  • Acknowledgment of transfer of license subject to past, pending, or possible future disciplinary action)(PDF, 54KB)
  • City tax license.
  • State tax license.
  • If a public hearing is held, appropriate closing documents.
  • Right of possession documents (lease or deed). The lease must be valid for at least one year from the date the application is submitted.
  • The floor plan must match that of the previous owner that the Department has on file. If it does not match, a modification of premises application must be submitted.

  • The floor plan drawing must be on paper that is 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches with dimensions included. The diagram does not have to be to scale. It must reflect the area to be licensed, including depictions of the following:
    • Exterior areas showing control of the licensed premises (fences, walls, doors, gates, etc.). The floor plan drawing must be on paper that is 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches with dimensions included.
    • A diagram for each floor if several levels, outlined in red to show the liquor boundary (including external and internal walls, doors, fences, gates, etc.). The diagram must identify the kitchen area if the applicant is applying for a hotel-and-restaurant class liquor license. The diagram of the kitchen must include the range, refrigerator, sinks, dishwashers, and other industrial equipment.
    • Location of the proposed licensed premises designating where alcohol will be sold, served, stored, distributed or consumed.
    • Entity name, trade name, and address details of the business.
    • If applicable, detailed sketch showing entertainment and/or dance areas (include dimensions).
  • If the building does not exist at the time the license is applied for, the applicant must submit an architect's drawing to be constructed.
  • A list of equipment if the applicant is applying for a tavern-class liquor license and the proposed premises does not have a kitchen area.

  • Individual history form DR 8404-I (required for each owner that owns 10% or more of the business. Also required for tavern, lodging and entertainment or hotel and restaurant managers who are not owners).
  • Financial documents: Purchase agreement, stock transfer agreement, and/or authorization to transfer license. List of all notes and loans (Copies to also be attached).
  • Manager registration form DR 8442 (required for tavern, lodging and entertainment or hotel and restaurant and club managers who are not owners).
  • Cabaret license application(PDF, 198KB) if any form of entertainment is being offered. (A cabaret application is not required for a club license or an art license per Denver Revised Municipal Code Sec. 6-51(a)(2)).

Fingerprints for the following:

  • People new to the corporation or limited liability company who have not previously been qualified must be fingerprinted.
  • All officers and directors.
  • Members and shareholders who own 10% or more of the business entity.
  • Required for tavern, lodging and entertainment or hotel and restaurant and club managers who are not owners.
  • If an officer or manager of a licensee has already been qualified and is only changing positions within the licensee entity, that person will not have to be requalified, and no fee will be charged unless the Department has reason to suspect there has been a change in the record of the individual since the last qualification.

Additional documentation by form of business entity

Corporate applicants

  • Articles of incorporation.
  • A current certificate of good standing.
  • A certificate of authorization (if applicant is a foreign corporation).
  • A list of all officers and directors and members and stockholders of the parent corporation who own 10% or more of the applicant's entity. (The list must designate one person as the "principal officer.")
  • A trade name certificate, if applicable.
  • Current corporate minutes authorizing application for a liquor and/or cabaret license.

 Limited liability company applicants

  • Articles of organization.
  • A current certificate of good standing.
  • Operating agreement.
  • A certificate of authority (if the applicant is a foreign company).
  • A trade name certificate, if applicable.

Sole proprietorship applicants

  • Trade name affidavit, if applicable.

For Cabaret (if there is a cabaret and transfer of ownership is being submitted)

  • Zoning Business License Inspection: (720) 913-1311
  • Building Business License Inspection: (720) 913-1311
  • Denver Fire Department: (720) 913-3409
  • Department of Public Health and Environment: (720) 913-1311
  • Department of Excise and Licenses: (720) 913-1311 (Last inspection - Schedule when all other inspections have been passed.)

License must be displayed

Excise and Licenses will email a professional license to all licensees. This license (or a clear picture of it) must always be displayed.

Requirement to keep contact information up to date

Email to notify the Department of any contact information changes (place of business, onsite manager, etc.). These updates must be submitted within 72 hours of the change.

Requirement to renew annually

Licenses expire annually. It is unlawful to operate with an expired license. A renewal application must be filed before the license expires.