Cabaret license

A cabaret license can be issued to any establishment licensed to sell alcohol which offers or provides live entertainment or dancing for its guests. Live entertainment includes karaoke music or entertainment offered by a disc jockey.

Determine the type of cabaret license


  • Standard: Live entertainment – no adult entertainment, no patron dancing.
  • Acoustic: Unamplified live entertainment, no patron dancing.
  • Dance: Live or recorded entertainment and patron dancing, no adult entertainment.
  • Special dance: Live or recorded entertainment and patron dancing. Entertainment is confined to the interior or on the licensed premises as defined in the Colorado Liquor Code. Acoustic (unamplified) live entertainment or recorded entertainment and patron dancing can be provided beyond the interior. No live entertainment can be provided beyond the interior after 8 p.m.
  • Event center: Seating capacity for at least 2,000, live or recorded entertainment and patron dancing, no adult entertainment.
  • Adult cabaret: Adult entertainment is provided in addition to the entertainment included in the dance cabaret.
  • Special event: A one-time or limited event that includes entertainment, a separate permit is issued.
  • Underage patrons: Allows cabaret licensees to allow patrons 16 years old and older to enter and participate in standard, dance, special dance, acoustic, or event center cabaret licensed establishments.