Inspection status process

The Department of Excise and Licenses offers the ability to search for the status of inspections on your license application. You may look up that status by going to our online portal and either search by your city license number, business address, or business name.

  • Go to our online Permitting and Licensing Center.
  • You can either log in on this page or register for an account. 
  • Once you have logged in, click on the Business Licenses section or the Search Records section.
  • You MUST change the Start Date to 01/01/1900. If you do not, your search will not bring anything up.
  • In the General Search section, enter in your search information. The search information should be for the license application that you want to check the inspection status on.
  • Click on the Search button.


Accela Citizens Access Business Licenses Search Picture


  • Your search may bring up multiple records. Select the record that you want to verify the inspection status of.


Accela Citizens Access Multiple Results Business Licenses Search Picture

  • Choose the record you wish to view.
  • When the record comes up, click on the Record Info drop-down menu.
  • Select Inspections.


 Accela Citizens Access Record Information Screen


  • You will now be able to tell which inspections have passed or failed.
  • You will be able to tell which inspections are pending.
  • All inspections have to be passed before you can have a license issued. If one of your inspections has failed and you do not see a follow-up inspection that has passed, you will need to schedule another inspection.
  • Please note: If your application is for either a liquor license or marijuana license, you have to pass all inspections before you can request a final inspection with Excise and Licenses.


Accela Citizens Access Inspection Status Picture