Check to see if an address has a license

Person typing on laptop.

Check to see if an address has a license

Active and pending business and individual licenses at certain addresses can be checked at any time.

  • Go to Denver's Permitting and Licensing Center. Be sure "Businesses Licenses" at the top is highlighted.
  • You can search by putting in the "Record Number" if you know it.
  • Under "General Search," select the record type you are searching for under "Record Type." If you are looking for any record type at an address, leave it as "Select."
  • You can put in a range of an address under "Street No." in "From" to "To." If you are looking for a certain address, put in the same number under both. Put in the name of the street under "Street Name." For wider range, leave "Direction," "Street Type" and "Unit Type" as "Select." For example, if you are looking for a specific address, put in “201” under "From" and "To" and "Colfax" under "Street Name." If you are looking for a range, put in "200" under "From" and "299" under "To" and "Colfax" under "Street Name."
  • Click "Search" at the bottom and the page will populate.