Semi-Virtual Public Hearings
The Board of Adjustment is currently conducting semi-virtual hearings. A quorum of Board members will be physically present in the hearing room. Remaining Board members will attend the hearings virtually. City staff, Applicants, and members of the public have the option to either attend in person or through Zoom. Please see the Information Sheet(PDF, 131KB) for hearing policies, and please visit the Current Docket page for the link to attend the hearings.
If you plan to attend virtually and are unfamiliar with Zoom, please reach out to the Board's staff so we can set up a demo session for you. If you would like to set up a demo session, email us at and we will work with you to ensure you can participate in the hearings. If you need assistance, please get in touch with the Board’s staff by 8:00 am, the day prior to the hearing.
For Appellants and Applicants, all exhibits for the Board to consider must by submitted by 12:00 pm, twenty-two (22) calendar days ahead of the hearing, or the Monday, three weeks ahead of the Tuesday hearing. CPD staff will receive copies of all submitted materials to prepare their position for the hearing. CPD will submit all exhibits by 12:00 pm, eleven (11) calendar days ahead of the hearing, or the Friday, two weeks ahead of the Tuesday hearing. Appellants and Applicants will receive copies of CPD’s submitted materials, and may submit exhibits or documentary evidence to rebut CPD’s information by 12:00 pm, eight (8) calendar days ahead of the hearing, or the Monday, one week ahead of the Tuesday hearing. Members of the public may submit exhibits or documentary evidence no later than the Thursday prior to the hearing. The full set of exhibits will be finalized and available to all interested parties the Friday prior to the hearing. All submittal deadlines will be listed on your application.
Exhibits submitted after the deadlines may not be included in the file for the Board to review. Anyone who has not met the deadline to submit documentary evidence for the Board to review may attend the hearing to provide verbal testimony for up to 2 minutes.
Office Counter Hours Update
Beginning January 15, 2024, the Board of Adjustment's offices in the Webb building will be closed during the Webb building renovation. We will remain accessible online and by phone Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m, but we will not have counter hours during the renovation project.
Contact us for questions
New Hearing Room Location
For the hearings on February 18, 2025, the Board of Adjustment will be holding hearings in Room 4.I.5, on the fourth floor of the Webb building.
For the hearings on February 25, 2025, and beyond, the Board of Adjustment will be holding hearings in Room 2.H.2, on the second floor of the Webb building.
Room 4.1.5 Location(PDF, 4MB)
Room 2.H.2 Location(PDF, 4MB)

The Board's sole duty is to hear and decide cases regarding the Denver Zoning Code. The types of relief that the Board may grant are summarized on the File a Case page under the Available Relief Under the Denver Zoning Code tab.
The Board meets Tuesday mornings in a semi-formal proceeding open to the public. Hearings can be attended in person in the Hearing Room (4.I.5) located on the fourth floor of the Webb Municipal Building at 201 West Colfax Avenue, or virtually through Zoom on our Current Docket page.
It is improper to contact any of the Board Members concerning an appeal outside of the public meeting, and to do so may result in one or more of the members recusing from the appeals hearing.
Share Your Experience
If you have recently had a hearing with the Board of Adjustment, please fill out our survey and let us know about your experience. If you have any comments or feedback on how we could improve the process, please let us know.
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