1.1 Establish and document roles and responsibilities – The Department of Transportation & Infrastructure should establish and document roles and responsibilities — either in a contract or elsewhere — for the department and its contractor to evaluate and dispose of property collected and stored in the city’s storage facility.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – June 30, 2023
1.2 Develop and document policies and procedures for property storage compliance – The Department of Transportation & Infrastructure should work with its contractor to develop policies and procedures for ensuring compliance with the Lyall Settlement regarding property storage and disposal. Policies and procedures should include how and where the department and its contractor will consistently document collection and disposal dates for property as well as when and how property will be disposed of. Transportation & Infrastructure should document a City Attorney’s Office review of the policies and procedures to ensure they comply with legal requirements.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – June 30, 2023
1.3 Develop and document policies and procedures for property storage data – The Department of Transportation & Infrastructure should work with its contractor to develop policies and procedures for inputting, tracking, and monitoring property storage data. Transportation & Infrastructure should document a City Attorney Office review of the policies and procedures to ensure they comply with legal requirements.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – June 30, 2023
1.4 Monitor property storage data – The Department of Transportation & Infrastructure should periodically monitor property storage data to ensure it supports compliance with legal requirements. It should document these periodic reviews and provide feedback to its contractor, as necessary
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – June 30, 2023
1.5 Develop and document policies and procedures for providing notice at regular cleanups – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should develop policies and procedures to provide the required 48 hours’ notice for unattended personal property found at its regular citywide cleanups in compliance with the Lyall Settlement. It should also document a City Attorney’s Office review of the policies and procedures to ensure they comply with legal requirements.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – June 30, 2023
1.6 Develop and document policies and procedures for employee training – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should work with all agencies responsible for homeless encampment cleanup and response to develop and document policies and procedures for ensuring staff complete required trainings, including those required by the Lyall Settlement.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – July 31, 2023
1.7 Monitor compliance with employee training – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should work with all agencies responsible for homeless encampment cleanup and response to develop and document a process to monitor compliance with employee training requirements, including those required by the Lyall Settlement.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – July 31, 2023
1.8 Follow the city’s records retention policy – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should work with city agencies responsible for providing and monitoring training to ensure compliance with the city’s records retention policy related to preserving training documentation.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – July 31, 2023
1.9 Update city webpage – The City Attorney’s Office should work with responsible agencies to ensure the city’s website contains, at a minimum, all information required by the Lyall Settlement and that the information is accurate so people experiencing homeless can be easily informed of where and how to retrieve their personal belongings.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – April 3, 2023
1.10 Continue developing centralized data tracking – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should continue developing a centralized database for the encampment response teams to help provide consistent and centralized data tracking at encampment sites.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
1.11 Identify consistent method for location tracking – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should work with agencies to identify and adopt a consistent method for tracking location data, such as latitude and longitude coordinates.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
1.12 Develop and document policies and procedures for outreach data – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should develop policies and procedures for data input, tracking, and monitoring for outreach data. The policies should include what data should be tracked, such as location, services provided, and demographic information.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
1.13 Monitor outreach data – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should periodically monitor outreach data to ensure accuracy and identify trends. It should document these periodic reviews and revise policies and procedures as necessary.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
1.14 Develop and document policies and procedures for cleanup and assessments data – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should develop policies and procedures for data input, tracking, and monitoring of its cleanup and assessments data.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
1.15 Monitor cleanup and assessments data – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should periodically monitor cleanup and assessments data to ensure accuracy. It should document these periodic reviews and revise policies and procedures as necessary.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
1.16 Conduct a needs assessment – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should conduct a needs assessment to determine the most appropriate location for one or more property storage facilities as well as appropriate hours of operation to ensure equitable access by people experiencing homelessness. The city should consider transportation needs and options as part of its assessment. The contract with the city’s property storage service provider should be amended as necessary to align with changes to property storage hours and location.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – April 1, 2024
1.17 Document long-term property storage process – The Department of Transportation & Infrastructure should work with its contractor to document the process for when property can be moved from the main storage facility to long-term storage. Transportation & Infrastructure should document a City Attorney Office’s review of the policies and procedures to ensure they comply with legal requirements.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – June 30, 2023
1.18 Provide equitable access to information – The city should go above and beyond the Lyall Settlement’s requirements by providing information related to cleanups and property storage equitably to people who have limited English proficiency or who have a disability. The city can conduct a language assessment, create a language access plan, or perform a comparison with other cities to identify an appropriate way to determine which languages it should use for communication. This process should be documented in policy and procedure.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
1.19 Provide consistent communication – The Department of Transportation & Infrastructure should work with the City Attorney’s Office to revise notices at encampment sites to clearly state how long property will be kept at both the main storage facility as well as long-term storage. Notices should clarify that a person may have to visit the main storage facility more than once to retrieve any belongings being held off-site.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – April 20, 2023
2.1 Identify expenses to track – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should work with city agencies to determine how encampment-response expenses should be calculated and should identify which expenses should be included.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
2.2 Develop an expense tracking method – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should develop a method for tracking homeless encampment expenses, such as, but not limited to, using Workday tags.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
2.3 Develop and document expense-tracking policies and procedures – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should develop and document policies and procedures for calculating annual encampment response-related expenses to ensure consistency across city agencies. Policies and procedures should be included in the program management plan.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
2.4 Establish oversight of invoices – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should work with agencies involved with encampment response to identify a person within each agency to be responsible for reviewing and approving invoice payments — including reviewing supporting documentation — for encampment-related contracts used by multiple city agencies to ensure expenses are allowable and that the contractor fulfills contractual requirements.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
2.5 Develop and document invoice policies and procedures – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should work with city agencies with encampment-related contracts to develop policies and procedures for requesting, reviewing, and maintaining supporting documentation for invoice payments to ensure invoices are paid according to contract requirements.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
2.6 Establish contract and master purchase order oversight – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should work with city agencies involved with encampment response to identify a person within each agency to be responsible for monitoring contract and master purchase order compliance and performance of contractors for encampment-related contracts and purchase orders used by multiple city agencies.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
2.7 Develop and document contract monitoring policies and procedures – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should work with city agencies with encampment-related contracts and master purchase orders to develop policies and procedures for monitoring compliance and performance.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
2.8 Follow the city’s records retention policy – City agencies responsible for invoice payment and contract monitoring should comply with the city’s records retention policy related to invoice supporting documentation.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
2.9 Ensure security services are provided – The Department of Transportation & Infrastructure and the Department of Public Health and Environment should identify and implement a method to ensure adequate security services are provided during all hours the property storage facility is open to the public in compliance with the Environmental Hazmat Services contract.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – March 1, 2023
3.1 Document program need – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should document the need for the Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program, including a formal assessment of risks and stakeholder input, to inform the draft program management plan.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – July 1, 2023
3.2 Establish timeline for goals – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should develop a timeline for achieving all program goals.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Oct. 31, 2023
3.3 Develop performance metrics for goals – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should develop performance metrics for all program goals.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Oct. 31, 2023
3.4 Develop and document cleanup prioritization criteria – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should develop and document criteria for systematically determining how to prioritize encampment cleanups.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
3.5 Update and finalize the draft program management plan – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should update its draft program management plan to identify all responsible parties, document policies and procedures for all agencies and teams involved in encampment response efforts — including enforcement, outreach, and cleanup — and establish a process for ongoing program monitoring. Once the draft plan is revised, the coordinator with the Mayor’s Office should finalize the plan.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
3.6 Monitor program effectiveness – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should use quality data to monitor program effectiveness and progress towards meeting the defined goals and objectives of the program.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
3.7 Revise program management plan as needed – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should revise the Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program plan in line with leading practices and after reviewing the results of program monitoring, as necessary.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2023
4.1 Conduct a staffing analysis – The Denver Unauthorized Encampment Response Program coordinated by the Mayor’s Office should conduct a formal staffing or workforce analysis to identify existing staffing levels across agencies involved in encampment response and determine needs to meet program objectives and goals.
Agency Response: Agree, Implementation Date – Dec. 31, 2024