Surrender Your Pet

Before Surrendering Your Pet

We understand that life circumstances can change and that may lead to the difficult decision of surrendering your pet. Shelters can be stressful environments for pets, so before you bring your pet to a shelter, please consider the following options:

  1. Contact who helped you get your pet (previous owner, rescue, or shelter) to see if they might be able to help you rehome them.
  2. Reach out to friends and family to see if anyone is able to take ownership of the pet.
  3. Contact a trainer and behaviorist for advice to help with common behavior problems.
  4. Contact your veterinarian to rule out any medical issues that your pet may have. If cost is a challenge, here is a list of low-cost veterinarians that you can contact.

Visit our Resources page for behavior support tips, low-cost service options, and more.

If you have exhausted all other options, you can surrender your pet at Denver Animal Shelter (1241 W. Bayaud Ave. Denver, CO 80223). We accept all animals from residents of the City and County of Denver. No appointment is required, and there is no relinquishment fee. We do ask that you bring any proof of ownership in the form of veterinarian records, adoption paperwork, microchip information, etc. This will decrease the pet’s length of stay at the shelter.

New DAP Rooster Policy

There has been a steady flow of fowl relinquished to Denver Animal Shelter (DAS). Urban farming has become popular in the last 10 years with people purchasing chicks that unknowingly turn into roosters. Roosters are illegal in the City and County of Denver. Hens are legal and require a Food Producing Animal Permit or Livestock/Fowl Permit pursuant to Denver Revised Municipal Code (DRMC) 8-91. Roosters cannot commonly be housed together because they become aggressive and can fatally harm one another. DAS has limited, adequate housing or placement options for roosters, and for this reason DAS will no longer place them up for adoption. As an open-admission shelter, we will still take unwanted and stray roosters into our custody.

New Red-Ear Slider Policy

There has been a steady increase of red-eared sliders relinquished to Denver Animal Shelter (DAS). Red-eared sliders are not considered companion animals, are the most unwanted and abandoned reptile, and are often released into the wild. They are considered an invasive species that cause damage to Colorado’s native species and ecosystems. Due to this, they do not qualify for rehabilitation or release programs. Also, many sliders we receive are in poor condition and we have limited adequate housing options for them. Because of the potential negative impacts to the turtles, Colorado's ecosystem, and the limited to non-existent placement options, we will no longer adopt out these turtles. As an open-admission shelter, we will still take unwanted and stray red-eared sliders into our custody.  

We also ask that you fill out a pet surrender form (below) for your pet. This helps our team ensure we make the best decisions for your pet's future.

I Want to Surrender My Dog

I Want to Surrender My Cat

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my pet be placed for adoption?

We cannot guarantee that your pet will be placed for adoption. Our staff will perform behavioral and medical evaluations to determine whether your pet is an adoption candidate with us.  If an animal requires additional resources that Denver Animal Protection is unable to provide, we have a transfer network with different shelters and rescues that can assist. If an animal has shown aggressive behavior that could be a risk to public safety, or has a medical condition that significantly affects their quality of life, there is a possibility the animal could be humanely euthanized. You can always call and check on the status of your surrendered pet by calling 720-913-1311.