Denver Food Vision 2030 In October 2017, the City of Denver released the Denver Food Vision 2030. The vision is based on a baseline report, food system metrics, and significant stakeholder engagement. The Vision set an ambitious, comprehensive policy approach to develop, create and sustain a more INCLUSIVE, HEALTHY, VIBRANT and RESILIENT food system in Denver.
Denver Food Action Plan The Food Action Plan is a set of strategic projects to increase food equity in the city. The plan serves as an action-oriented companion piece to the Denver Food Vision, an aspirational view of advancing our food system in Denver. The Food Action Plan is fulfilled through a series of ongoing projects led by DDPHE in collaboration with community and city partners.
Denver Food Vision Progress Report In October 2024, the City and County of Denver released the Denver Food Vision Progress Report. The progress report shared progress to date, key achievements, and city and community led projects and policies.
Good Food Purchasing Program The Good Food Purchasing Program (GFPP) uses the food buying power of institutions to purchase from vendors that care about the health and well-being of people, animals, and the environment.
Community and Advocacy The Denver Sustainable Food Policy Council is a citizen-driven food policy council that is appointed by the Mayor to educate, advise on city food policy, laws, and programs, promote food security and a sustainable food system.