RFQ: Colfax Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) On-Call Owner's Rep Services

Closed October 27, 2022, 10:00 AM

  • Reference number202264348
  • StatusAwarded
  • SummaryThe Owner's Representative (OR) will provide expertise, standards, processes, comparative data, and systems that facilitate effective contract administration. Specific OR tasks may include program management support services, preconstruction support services, communications and reporting support, independent cost estimating, utility agreement coordination and support, construction oversight, etc.
  • Winning entity
    Triunity, Inc.

The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, City and County of Denver, has issued a Request for Qualifications (the “RFQ”) for On-Call Owner’s Representative/Staff Augmentation services for Colfax Transit Implementation – Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). A link to the RFQ documents can be found at www.work4denver.com. RFQ documents will be available for download at www.bidnetdirect.com/cityandcountyofdenverdoti, reference solicitation No. 202264348.

General Statement of Work

The Colfax BRT Project will provide significantly faster, safer, more attractive, and more reliable transit service in the highest ridership bus corridor in the Denver Metropolitan Area. The anticipated capital investment in improved stations, dedicated BRT lanes, and better pedestrian access will specifically address the growing travel demand in the corridor and mitigate the increased congestion and transit travel time delays resulting from that growth. The project will improve transit operations and travel time in the corridor, which will in turn attract new transit riders, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, increase multi-modal connectivity, improve safety, and encourage transit-oriented development near stations.

The Project is intended to be a corridor-based bus rapid transit system that includes features emulating the service provided by rail fixed guideway. The 9.9-route mile corridor includes 32 improved stations with an average spacing of 0.31-mile and will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Traffic signals will be upgraded to provide transit signal priority where needed through the Denver segment to reduce transit travel time. The BRT service will replace and consolidate the existing bus Route 15 and bus Route 15L services.

The outcome of the project will be an attractive transit service that is competitive with the automobile, will improve access and mobility, and will produce significantly higher transit ridership and total person-trip throughput in the corridor. The CM/GC project delivery method will provide efficient and timely completion of the project in line with community interests. DOTI intends to procure the most qualified team to provide Owner’s Representative and staff Augmentation services to support pre-construction and construction phase work under a CMGC delivery method.

The Owner's Representative (OR) will report to the Program Director and work closely with the Project Manager by providing expertise, standards, processes, comparative data, and systems that facilitate effective contract administration. Specific OR tasks may include but are not limited to program management support services, preconstruction support services, communications and reporting support, independent cost estimating, utility agreement coordination and support, construction oversight, inspection and testing services.

This project is part of the 2017 Elevate Denver Bond Program, which is a 10-year, $937 million general obligation bond program approved by voters in 2017. The program will enhance the City and County of Denver by providing critical improvements to the City’s infrastructure – improving our roads, sidewalks, parks, recreation centers, libraries, cultural centers, public-owned buildings and safety facilities. More information can be found at www.denvergov.org/elevatedenver.

Virtual Pre-Submittal Meeting on October 4, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. local time.

To access the meeting, please call 720-388-6219 and enter conference ID: ­­­­310-094-840#. Click here to join the meeting.

Pre-Bid Meeting Agenda(PDF, 286KB)

Questions Deadline: October 12, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. local time.

Submittals for this project will ONLY be received and accepted via the online electronic bid service through www.bidnetdirect.com/cityandcountyofdenverdoti. Responses must be submitted via BidNet no later than 10:00 a.m. local time, October 27, 2022. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Federal Funding Requirements: The project may be funded in part by Federal Transit Administration (FTA) awards passed through and monitored by the grant recipient, Regional Transportation District (RTD). While these RTD awards comprise only a portion of the Project, federal requirements shall apply to all work performed as part of the Project, including flow down of those requirements and obligations to Project contractors and subcontractors. Reference Exhibit E: FTA Required Provisions set forth in Attachment 4 – Sample Agreement of the published RFQ.

DBE Participation Requirements: The City, together with RTD, is committed to carrying out all the DBE requirements of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations Part 26, as amended from time to time. Our policy is to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of all applicable contracts. It is our intention to create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly for federally and locally funded contracts. We encourage and expect Consultants to pursue subcontracting, mentoring, joint venturing, teaming and partnering opportunities with DBE firms in the ordinary course of its business/teaming strategies at all levels/phases of the Project. The DBE requirements are only summarized in the RFQ. Consultant must review and comply with all requirements set forth in Attachment 3 – RTD DBE Contract Requirements of the published RFQ.

Federally funded construction, reconstruction, remodeling, and professional design services contracts made and entered into by the City and County of Denver are subject to Federal Statutes and Regulations regarding Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation and all Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Utilization. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is authorized to establish project goals for expenditures on construction, reconstruction and remodeling and professional design services work funded by FTA and let by the City and County of Denver.

Participation Goals: This Project will be subject to RTD and Federal DBE requirements, as set forth in Attachment 3. The DBE goal for this Project is 18%.

Contract Administrator: Katie Ragland, DOTI.Procurement@denvergov.org

As the City’s best interests may appear, the Manager of Transportation and Infrastructure reserves the right to waive informalities in, and to reject any or all, submittals/proposals.

Publication Dates:                   September 21, 22, 23, 2022

Published In:                           The Daily Journal