S. Platte River Drive Improvements: W. Virginia to W. Bayaud Ave.

Closed August 22, 2024, 11:00 AM

  • Reference numberContract 202474276
  • StatusAwarded
  • SummaryThe project will realign South Platte River Drive from Virginia to a point South of Alameda to allow for the trail upgrades and increase the buffer between the trail and the roadway. The realignment will tie into the Alameda and Platte River Drive intersection improvements by CDOT that are a part of the Alameda 2.0 project.
  • Winning entity
    Ames Construction, Inc.
  • Value$8,152,300.00
  • Date awardedDecember 10, 2024

General Statement of Work

The project will realign South Platte River Drive from Virginia to a point South of Alameda to allow for the trail upgrades and increase the buffer between the trail and the roadway. The realignment will tie into the Alameda and Platte River Drive intersection improvements by CDOT that are a part of the Alameda 2.0 project. Sections of the trail between Virginia Avenue and Bayaud Avenue have a narrow width of 8 feet. These areas within the project limits will be realigned and reconstructed to provide a 12 foot concrete trail and a 4 foot crusher fines sidepath with 3 foot recovery zones on each side to meet the current standards. CDOT will be constructing the trail improvements under the proposed Alameda bridge over the Platt River. The trail section at the underpasses will be reconstructed to include a 12 foot concrete path with 3 foot colored concrete rumble strips on each side. The trail improvements as a part of this project will connect to those completed by CDOT. Lastly, this project will construct connections from the trail to the local street network and Valverde Park to improve access to the facility.

Addendum #1(PDF, 4MB)

Estimated Construction Cost: Between $9,000,000.00 and $10,000,000.00

Virtual Pre-Bid Meeting on July 30, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

To access the meeting, please call (720) 388-6219 and enter conference ID: ­­­­686 533 485# or join via Join the meeting now.

Meeting Agenda(PDF, 305KB)

Attendance Sheet(PDF, 505KB)

Solicitation Document Report(PDF, 2MB)

Questions Deadline: August 6, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. local time

Bid Opening on August 22, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

Bids will be received and accepted via the online electronic bid service, Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing (“BidNet”). Prospective bidders must be on the plan holders list at BidNet for bids to be accepted. To access the electronic bid form, download the required documents from BidNet and complete the Unit Item Pricing in the Documents & Items section of the solicitation. All properly uploaded bids will then be opened, witnessed and read aloud. To access the bid opening teleconference, please call (720) 388-6219 and enter conference ID: ­­­858 925 936# or join via Join the meeting now.

Plans Available July 23, 2024

Digital Download on BidNet; reference Solicitation No. 202474276

DBE Goal: 12%

Workforce Development Program: Workforce development programs promote economic growth through the coordination of public, private, and nonprofit sector resources to support a combination of education and training services to prepare individuals for work and to help them improve their prospects for entering and succeeding in the labor market. To accomplish this, workforce development policies and programs may be focused on individual training and education, societal economic stability and growth, or skills training needed by employers to help organizations remain competitive in a global marketplace.

Prequalification: Bidders must be prequalified in accordance with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) CCR 601-10 Bid Rules for the bid proposal amount offered by the Bidder in response to this Invitation for Bids. Applications for prequalification by CDOT must be submitted through the CDOT B2G System. More information can be found in Section 102.1 in CDOT’s Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.

Contract Administrator: Cheryl Booker: DOTI.Procurement@denvergov.org

Prevailing Wage and Minimum Wage: Contracts for construction, reconstruction, and remodeling are subject to the City prevailing wage rate requirements established pursuant to Section 20-76, D.R.M.C. City contracts are subject to payment of City Minimum Wage established pursuant to Section 20-82 through 20-84 D.R.M.C.

As the City’s best interests may appear, the Executive Director of the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure reserves the right to waive informalities in, and to reject any or all, submittals.

Publication Dates:       July 23, 24, 25, 2024

Published In:               The Daily Journal