Office of Children's Affairs The Office of Children's Affairs (OCA) develops strategies and builds partnerships to ensure young people have access to nutritious food, high-quality childcare and after-school programs, early learning and literacy resources, youth transportation, mentorship opportunities, cultural experiences and pathways to post-secondary education and careers.
Office of Emergency Management Leading Denver’s emergency management efforts to cultivate safe, prepared, and resilient communities.
Office of Human Resources These pages provide information on the services offered by the Office of Human Resources for the City and County of Denver's employees.
Office of Special Events Denver is a great place for events and the perfect backdrop for film and photo shoots. The Office of Special Events helps event organizers, film producers and photographers understand and meet all city requirements for events and shoots held on public property (parks, streets, sidewalks and alleys).
Office of the Clerk & Recorder The Denver Clerk and Recorder functions as the City Clerk, the Public Trustee, the County Recorder, and the Chief Elections Official. The work we do is performed by the offices of the Public trustee, Policy & Compliance, Recording, and the Elections Division.
Office of the Independent Monitor The Office of the Independent Monitor (OIM) is the civilian oversight agency for the City and County of Denver Police and Sheriff Departments.
Office of the Municipal Public Defender Welcome to the Denver Office of the Municipal Public Defender. Our primary focus is to provide comprehensive legal representation to defendants who face jail time for violating municipal ordinances in the Denver County Court System.