Citizen Oversight Board The Citizen Oversight Board (COB) consists of nine citizens appointed alternately by the Mayor and City Council with one joint appointee to assess the effectiveness of the Monitor's Office.
City Attorney's Office The City Attorney’s Office serves as the legal adviser to the Mayor, City Council, City Auditor, City Clerk and Recorder and all City departments and agencies; represents and defends the City in legal matters; handles all suits initiated on behalf of the City and County of Denver and any of its departments and agencies & more.
City Council City Council makes laws, budgets City money, and can investigate City agencies and employees. Since 1971, the Council has had 13 council members -11 from equally populated districts and two elected at large.
Civil Service Commission The Denver Civil Service Commission was established in 1904. We are an independent agency overseen by a Board of Commissioners and governed by the City Charter and Commission rules.
Clerk & Recorder The Denver Clerk and Recorder functions as the City Clerk, the Public Trustee, the County Recorder, and the Chief Elections Official. The work we do is performed by the offices of the Public trustee, Policy & Compliance, Recording, and the Elections Division.
Climate Action, Sustainability & Resiliency The Office of Climate Action, Sustainability, and Resiliency (CASR) works to enable a sustainable, resilient, climate-safe future for all of Denver in collaboration with fellow departments, other units of government, and community partners.
Community Planning & Development At Community Planning and Development, we work with Denver’s communities to prepare plans — as well as regulations for land use and design — that guide the city’s growth, enhancement and preservation.
Contract Administration (Work4Denver) Welcome to the City and County of Denver's contract procurement site, also known as Work4Denver.
COVID-19 Information Get the latest updates on the COVID-19 response, including testing and vaccine information, for the City & County of Denver.